coastland Christian bible college & university

Coastland is equiping Chaplains, Pastors, and Missionaries to serve this generation. When our founder went to Bible college, he had to take out student loans, as well as the rest of his classmates. Upon graduation, many of those men called into ministry had to take secular jobs to pay off their debt, and they never made it into ministry. This grieved our founder, and in 1998 God impressed it on his heart to start a University that wasn't about money - it's about equipping students for ministry. And Coastland University was born.
God has truly raised up this school to address the need in Christian Colleges that seems to have crept into the older seminaries and universities. The need is for a school that holds to the authority of scripture and the literal application of God's Word both for faith and practice. If you are looking to get a Christian education based on the Bible, and teachers who are not willing to water down, compromise, or give in to secular philosophy and humanism, than Coastland Christian Bible College and University could be the school for you. We are committed to providing academic excellence without compromising the need for discipleship and spiritual growth. Coastland offers an excellent Bible College program, and is the only Christian University in South Orange County, California!
coastland is here to equip those called and strengthen the true child of God in these last days
We are a Christian University in Southern California that has a vision to serve our students and equip them for ministry. Our faculty are all Godly men who are totally in love with our Lord and desire to disciple students. Teaching the uncompromised Word of God - Sola Scriptura!
- Do you feel called into ministry?
- Are you ready to follow scripture rather than man's ideas?
- Do you want to teach, live, and practice what the Bible teaches?
- Coastland may be the school for you!
We hope and pray that you stop whatever you are doing, pray, and listen for God to direct you. If you end up enrolling in Coastland University for one class or a full load, I can assure you that you will be nurtured, in the love of Christ, taught sound doctrine from the Bible, and encouraged to step out in faith and do what God is calling you to do.
A message from our founder, Pastor Brett Peterson:
"My philosophy of Christian Education? Well, it is not based upon individualism without regard of others, intellectualism as an end in itself, technology as the apex of human achievement, humanistic ideals or evolutionary thought as reasons for existence (which degrades individuals to simple animals rather than beings created in the image of God). It is not modernism or even postmodernism - it is not relativism or humanism - and its agenda does not fit into the 'New World Order' apriori which many educators are basing their teaching on today.
It is time for this generation to rise up and stand for Biblical Truth! To bring unity to the Body of Christ and put down denominational ideologies that segment the Church! I pray, with many tears, that our Lord's prayer would be answered when He prayed, 'may the be one, even as you (our heavenly Father) and I (Jesus) are one'. It is time to stand on the Word of God alone, not dogma or creeds. It is time for the true church to come together as one. That is what Coastland is all about!"
Pastor Brett started Calvary Chapel Bible College in Jerusalem and has been teaching the uncompromised Word of God since 1985. He has earned several degrees and currently Pastors Living Water Community Church in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA.