welcome to coastland!

By the time you graduate, you will have more than a recognized degree – you will truly be equipped to minister to this generation!
Coastland University welcomes applications for admission from any academically qualified person whose motivation is in keeping with the university's purposes. Admission is based on the careful review of all credentials presented by an applicant, but in no case is admission denied due to race, color, national origin, disability, or sex. Since we are a Church based model and a 501(c)3 we do not 'charge' tuition - it is donation based. However, since you do receive an education donations for tuition are not tax deductible. Donations above the cost of tuition are. The suggested donation for tuition does not even cover our costs. So if God leads you to tithe or make donations, these are tax deductible and very much needed. Students are admitted in one of the following categories:
Honor -based on high school grade-point average and SAT/ACT scores. Honor students may be eligible for academic scholarships.
Regular -standard admission with no restrictions.
Conditional -students whose GPA and national test scores are below an acceptable level are limited to 13 credits the first semester. Some conditional students will be required to take courses in reading, study skills, and writing.
Provisional -freshmen and transfers who have a previous GPA below 2.0 on a 4.0 scale; restricts extracurricular activities and limits students to 13 credits in a semester. Some provisional students will be required to take courses in reading, study skills, and writing.
Unclassified -students who are taking only a course or two and are not admitted to a program of study or a degree program.
Prospective students are welcome to visit the campus. Appointments for interviews with an admissions counselor and/or a professor in a student's particular field of interest are encouraged